Evaluation process

The editorial workflow of the Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health is detailed in the flowchart. Briefly, the submitted manuscript should be accompanied by a form indicating aspects related to good research practices, open science, conflict of interest, author contributions, use of artificial intelligence, and agreement with the journal's adopted license. The manuscript is initially evaluated by the Editor(s)-in-chief and Assistant Editor(s) regarding its suitability for scope and editorial policy, article presentation format, and potential contribution. If approved at this stage, the manuscript will be forwarded to the Section Editor, who, after a preliminary content analysis, will either send the document for review by two or more reviewers or reject the manuscript.

The standard review process adopted is double-blind. However, if both authors and reviewers agree, the evaluation can be open. In the case of manuscripts deposited in preprint repositories, blinding of the authors is not possible. After the manuscript review, each reviewer may indicate the options to reject, accept, or suggest major changes or minor changes. Reviewers and authors have the option to publish the peer reviews anonymously or identified. In these cases, the document containing the reviews will be made available as supplementary material to the manuscript. After receiving the reviewers' feedback, the Editor will decide to accept, reject, or suggest revisions to the authors. If revisions are suggested to the authors, the manuscript will be reassessed after adjustments by the Section Editor to determine whether new reviews are necessary for a new decision.

Manuscripts approved by the Section Editor will be assessed for plagiarism by the Editor-in-Chief before final approval. If they are deemed appropriate, they will proceed to layout design and then to author proofing. At the end, the DOI number is assigned to the manuscript and it is made available on the journal page.