Characterization of the physical education environment and practice in public schools
DOI: clave:
School environment, Physical infrastructure, Physical education at schoolResumen
This cross-sectional, stratified, random sample study aimed to identify the school environment for teaching and engaging in physical education in elementary public schools. An inventory assessment was made and interviews were held with school managers in 12 teaching units in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The data obtained were categorized as follows: lesson availability and frequency, recess, extracurricular activities, facilities, and installations in place. The descriptive analysis used absolute and relative frequencies values. The results showed that all schools involved in the study provide two weekly physical education classes. None of the schools engaged in the development of recreational activities during recess. Data showed that 75% of schools participating in the study provide free extracurricular activities, among which futsal was the most popular (58.3%). Also, 75% of schools had indoor sports facilities, whereas some schools did not have adequate space to hold classes. In the group of schools with facilities, 90% had crossbars and 70% had at least one type of floor markings for sports such as futsal, basketball, and volleyball. Only one school had a recreational room, patio, and a green area. We concluded that the results point to a favorable direction for teaching and engaging in physical education in schools. We discussed how an adequate environment in schools helps students make better lifestyle choices and provides teachers with the opportunity to fully develop their classes and promote student’s health.
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