Open Science

The Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health is aligned with the principles of Open Science, a research model that advocates for the sharing of information online, in contrast to the closed research of laboratories. Thus, the journal adopts the following policies related to Open Science:

  • Open access to all published articles
  • Immediate access to all published articles
  • Request for a data availability statement
  • Inclusion of the Section Editor who managed the evaluation process until the article's publication
  • Acceptance of articles deposited in preprint repositories
  • Possibility of open peer review
  • Possibility of publishing article reviews
  • Possibility of including reviewers' names alongside published reviews
  • Recommendation for study registration and indication
  • Recommendation for including checklists for the description of different study types

Moreover, the RBAFS is aligned with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Thus, the journal seeks to ensure that the articles it publishes are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. This commitment reinforces our adherence to Open Science, promoting transparency, knowledge dissemination, and scientific collaboration, with the aim of expanding the impact and advancement of the field of physical activity and health.