Profile of professionals working in physical activity interventions within programs in the primary health care system in the State of Pernambuco


  • Danyelle Oliveira
  • Anísio Brito
  • Rafael Tassitano



Motor Activity, Primary Health Care, Health Human Resources, Continuing Education


The present study aimed to map the profile of professionals actively working in physical activity intervention programs for health promotion within the primary health care system in the State of Pernambuco, according to sociodemographic characteristics, education, continuous education and permanent education. Cross-sectional study conducted in the State with 511 professional (59.1% women). Time since formal education was achieved, type of employment, curricular experiences in initial education, participation in events, lectures and courses focusing in physical education, as well as the social and demographic characteristics were collected through a built and previously validated questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential analysis were conducted, and chi-square test considered a p value of <0.05. Most professionals (92.8%) have completed higher education, being 61.2% in Physical Education, 64.3% with up to six years of work in primary health care and 67.3% employed temporarily. A larger proportion of professional with State employment within the Health Secretary was observed for Physical Education rather than other areas of education (p<0.05). About 37.8% of professionals reported not having educational experience in primary health care while in undergraduate education and 69.2% participated in events, courses and lectures related to physical activity. It is possible to identify frailty in primary education of professionals as well as continued education. Investments in training may strengthen professional work in public policy programs emphasizing in physical activity.


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How to Cite

Oliveira D, Brito A, Tassitano R. Profile of professionals working in physical activity interventions within programs in the primary health care system in the State of Pernambuco. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2016 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];21(5):442-51. Available from:



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