Associations between motivation and different aspects of physical exercise in individuals who maintained weight loss
Physical activity, Motivation, Weight managementAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the association between motivation and various aspects of physical exercise in individuals who maintained weight loss, and to explore the role of gender. The sample consisted of 253 participants, and their sociodemographic characteristics, body composition, physical exercise, and general and specific motivation for exercise were assessed using validated instruments. The t-test was used to compare various variables between participants. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to analyze the association between motivational variables and different aspects of physical exercise. Motivational variables were divided into tertiles, and the means of various aspects of physical exercise were compared between tertiles using one-way ANOVA. Differences between genders were observed in terms of intensity, duration, energy expenditure, and most motivational variables, favoring males. Positive associations were identified between motivational variables related to exercise, specifically intrinsic motivation and more autonomous regulations, and different aspects of physical exercise in the total sample and among females (p < 0.05). In individuals who successfully maintained weight loss, particularly women, more autonomous motivations for exercise were associated with greater physical exercise. These findings are significant for weight loss and health promotion programs, indicating that autonomous motivation may be a factor in successful weight maintenance.
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