Public Policies and Physical Activity of SBAFS: conception, activities and perspectives working group




Public policies, Physical activity, Health


The Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health (Sociedade Brasileira de Atividade Física e Saúde – SBAFS), since its inception in 2007, has played an important role in bringing together students, professionals, and researchers to strengthen the field in Brazil. Among the various initiatives of the SBAFS, the Working Group on Public Policies and Physical Activity was created in September 2018. Its mission is to position the SBAFS in the development of public policies related to physical activity in Brazil, collaborate with other stakeholders for the advancement of these policies, and stimulate the discussion, systematization, and dissemination of knowledge and practices in public policies in this area. In  this context, this article describes the creation, activities, and actions of the working group from its inception until 2024, as well as the challenges and future perspectives for the theme.


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How to Cite

Sandreschi PF, Petreça DR, Alecrim JV da C, Silva DB, Silva PSC da, Reis RS, et al. Public Policies and Physical Activity of SBAFS: conception, activities and perspectives working group. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];29:1-6. Available from:



Thematic Edition - Public Policies on Physical Activity