Quality of life and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study
Utility, General state of health, Social isolation, Environment for physical activity at home, Emotional affected by the pandemicAbstract
Cross-sectional research with the objective of analyzing the association between quality of life and behaviors developed by hypertensive individuals during the period of social isolation, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was carried out through telephone calls and evaluated adults registered in primary health care. The practice of physical activity was assessed by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, adding the duration and frequency of activities and the total time sitting during the week and weekend. Quality of life was analyzed using the Descriptive System – EQ-5D, considering the utility score and general health status. Presence of diseases and behaviors during social isolation, as well as the emotional aspect and environment for carrying out physical activities were analyzed. Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for group comparisons and ANCOVA for adjusted between-group comparisons. Statistical significance was preset at values below 5%. 659 hypertensive adults aged between 41 and 93 years were interviewed. A better quality of life was observed in hypertensive individuals who practiced physical exercise (p = 0.015), who did not report having their emotional health affected by the pandemic (p = 0.001) and who responded that they had a favorable environment at home for the practice of physical activity (p = 0.001). In conclusion, QoL was associated with the positive behaviors of the participants during the pandemic, such as the practice of physical activity, however, it is necessary for public agencies to pay attention to the low levels of PA in the population caused by the pandemic.
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