Reasons for adhesion, adherence and dropout of obese adults in a exercise program
Treatment adherence and compliance, Exercise, Young adult, Motivation, Patient dropoutsAbstract
The study aimed to determine the reasons for adherence, adherence and dropout of adults with obesity in a physical exercise intervention program. This is a descriptive study with 69 adults with obesity, who were involved in a controlled clinical trial. In the physical exercise groups, the sessions contained aerobic and strength training, totaling 60 minutes, during 16 weeks. The reasons for adhesion, adherence and dropout were determined by questionnaire and a descriptive analysis (quantitative and qualitative) was carried out, according to the frequency with which the reasons were reported by the participants. There was low adherence to training, as well as high dropout rates. Health, quality of life and aesthetics were the main reasons for adhesion. For adherence, the most prevalent aspects were health, commitment and motivation. However, for dropout, work and lack of motivation were more reported. It is important for professional intervention in the field of physical activity and health to consider these different reasons and the changes in them during the process and direct actions in order to increase adhesion and adherence and reduce dropouts.
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