The experience of a training course for physical activity promotion at the primary health care setting
Primary health care, Professional training in health, Curriculum, Education continuing, Health human resource trainingAbstract
Evidence demonstrates the importance of physical activity (PA) promotion strategies in primary health care (PHC) as well as the lack of professional qualification in this area. We aimed to report the experience of a basic training course to conduct group classes in a pilot study of the Program Brasil em Movimento from Brazilian Ministry of Health (PBM). The course covered eight topics within 22 hours delivered remotely. In 21 days of publicity, 630 people signed up, with an average of 439 views for each class. Students evaluated the course positively (95%) and would recommend it (93%). We observed that: 1- the number of subscribers and off-line classes views demonstrate the existence of a demand for this type of qualification; 2- the remote course offering was adequate to reach professionals from all regions of Brazil; 3- offering this type of training seems essential, given the background heterogeneity of the target audience.
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