National guidelines for physical activity in early childhood in American countries: a scoping review


  • Paulo Henrique Guerra Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil.
  • Anastácio Neco Souza Filho Federal University of Paraíba, Department of Physical Education, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.
  • Carla Menêses Hardman Federal University of Pernambuco, Department of Physical Education, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.
  • Clarice Lucena Martins Federal University of Paraíba, Department of Physical Education, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.
  • Daniel da Rocha Queiroz Federal University of Pernambuco, Department of Physical Education, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.
  • Larissa Rosa Silva State University of Western Paraná, Department of Physical Education, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná, Brasil.
  • Paula Fabricio Sandreschi Ministry of Health, Secretariat of Primary Health Care, Health Promotion Department, General Coordination of Physical Activity Promotion and Intersectoral Actions, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil.
  • Rildo de Souza Wanderley Junior Federal University of Pernambuco, Department of Physical Education, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.
  • Daniel Umpierre Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Department of Collective Health, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
  • Mauro Virgilio Gomes Barros University of Pernambuco, Higher School of Physical Education, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.



Physical activity, Public policy, Health promotion, Review


Our aim was to identify and analyze national guides with recommendations for physical activity for early childhood in the countries of the American continent. A scoping review was carried out on the websites of the national education, sport, and/or health agencies of the 36 American countries, on the Google website, and through contact with professionals. The synthesis was developed from the exploration of the material, looking for approaches and recommendations in the domains “benefits”, “dose”, “types and examples”, “practice guidelines” and “sedentary behavior”. From 21 documents initially assessed, four composed the synthesis (Canada, Chile, United States and Uruguay). All included guides converged on recommendations about the importance of physical activity for weight control and healthy growth and development (e.g., benefits domain); the importance of children being physically active at various times of the day, highlighting the provision of “joyful, safe, supervised, and age appropriate physical activity” and “participation in structured-play activities” (e.g., types and examples domain); support for the provision of “fun, safe, supervised, and age appropriate physical activity” (e.g., types and examples domain) and the support from parents or caregivers to stimulate activities that encourage responsibility and autonomy (e.g., practice orientation domain). Finally, considering that strategies to promote physical activity involve addressing individual and contextual factors, it is important that future national guides for physical activity involve recommendations in domains that are determinants of physical activity in this age group, such as support from primary caregivers and the built environment, in its access and possibilities.


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Author Biography

Paulo Henrique Guerra, Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (componente: Saúde Coletiva) e Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Epidemiológicas em Atividade Física e Saúde (GEPAF), Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH-USP)


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How to Cite

Guerra PH, Souza Filho AN, Hardman CM, Martins CL, Queiroz D da R, Silva LR, et al. National guidelines for physical activity in early childhood in American countries: a scoping review. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 12 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];26:1-9. Available from:



Review Articles