Construct validity of the Individual Lifestyle Profile scale in times of social distancing




COVID-19, Adults, Social isolation, Behavior rating scale


The aims of the study were to estimate the level of reliability and factorial validity of the “Individual Lifestyle Profile” scale in times of social distancing, through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Therefore, the “Individual Lifestyle Profile” scale in times of social distancing was used in a study carried out with samples of students and employees of higher education institutions from different Brazilian regions. The final sample consisted of 4,694 adults who have answered the online form. For construct evaluation, internal consistency analysis was performed using Cronbach's Alpha (a) and Spearman’s correlation. The CFA was used to test the hypothetical factor structure of the scale. Overall internal consistency was a =  0.778 and there were significant correlations, however, less than ± 0.799 for items from the same constructs and ± 0.499 among items from different constructs. In the CFA, after adjustments to the model structure, all indicators were adequate (Goodness-of-fit Index: 0.976; Comparative Fit Index: 0.937; Normalized Fit Indices: 0.932; Tucker Lewis Indices: 0.914; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation: 0.047; Root Mean-Square Residual: 0.031; Standardized Root Mean-Square Residual: 0.0337), with the exception for chi-square p values and the ratio between chi-square and degrees of freedom. It is concluded that the "Individual Lifestyle Profile" scale in times of social distancing has shown satisfactory internal consistency and factor structure to guide the assessment of lifestyle (individual or groups) and interventions to promote healthy lifestyles.


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How to Cite

Sousa TF de, Santos SF da S dos, Fonseca SA, Barros GR, Barros MVG de, Nahas MV. Construct validity of the Individual Lifestyle Profile scale in times of social distancing. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];26:1-8. Available from:



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