Promoting healthy lifestyles in Brazil: design and method of “VAMOS Program” in public health system
The “Programa Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde – VAMOS” (Active Life Improving Health) is a community intervention with a behavioral approach. It uses educational strategies to assist health professionals in guiding the population about the importance of adherence and maintenance of healthy lifestyles. This descriptive study presents the design and method of the VAMOS Program version 2.0. The intervention is for adults and older adults’ users of Brazilian public health and aims to motivate them to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle regarding physical activity and eating. The program follows an intervention design that considers the dimensions of the RE-AIM framework. The VAMOS Program version 2.0 has the potential to be offered as a health promotion tool in the Brazilian public health system by using available resources and accessible and healthy behavioral strategies.
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