Fatores associados a pratica de atividades físicas durante a pandemia da COVID-19 no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


  • Phillipe Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Educação Física e Desportos, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3722-4385
  • Erika Cardoso dos Reis Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4459-9345
  • Lucas Bianchi Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (ENSP/Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7160-1143
  • Alexandre Palma Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Educação Física e Desportos, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4679-9191




Exercício, Fatores socioeconômicos, Infecções por coronavírus, Isolamento social, Pandemia


The relationship between social determinants and the practice of physical activity in a period of social distance is still unknown. The present study aimed to analyze the factors associated with the practice of physical activity during the social distance induced by the pandemic of COVID-19. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted with individuals over 18 years of age. Data collection was carried out from April 28 to May 11, 2020 through an online electronic questionnaire. Participated in the research 1,138 individuals residing of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Most individuals were female (63.1%), white (61.9%) and were aged between 18 and 39 years (60.5%). The practice of physical activities was reported by 66.1% of respondents. Sociodemographic variables, participation in physical activities and the frequency of this practice were analyzed using logistic regression and ordinal logistic models. Individuals who had a higher chance of practicing physical activity during the pandemic were greater chance of practicing physical activities during the distance were male, aged over 40 years, who had higher education, not being an essential service professional and not having children. The chances of practicing physical activities more frequently were also associated with men, being over 40 years old, not being an essential service professional and not having children. It is concluded that the practice of physical activities during the period of social distance is associated with social determinants. Therefore, we recommend that policies to promote physical activities prioritize the most vulnerable groups.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues P, Reis EC dos, Bianchi L, Palma A. Fatores associados a pratica de atividades físicas durante a pandemia da COVID-19 no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 23 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];25:1-9. Available from: https://rbafs.org.br/RBAFS/article/view/14365



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