Modelo lógico do “Programa Cidade Ativa, Cidade Saudável” de São José dos Pinhais, Paraná
Atividade motora, Atividades de lazer, Promoção da saúde, valiação de programas e projetos de saúde, Política públicaAbstract
This study aimed to develop the logical model of “Programa Cidade Ativa, Cidade Saudável” in São José dos Pinhais, Brazil. Thirty-six managers provided part of information and the logical model was developed according to guidelines of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Were identified 163 people responsible for elaborating, managing, coordinating, supporting and ministering actions of physical activities, sports and leisure activities for population, by responsibility the divisions of “leisure and popular events”, “popular sport” and “sport performance”. The logical model enabled the orderly identification the program’s resources, activities, products and objectives. These data may help to restructure the program by possible demands of the management. Future studies can use this information to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of program in population’s health indicators.
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