Exercício físico, Aptidão física, Ensino, Estilo de vida, Sedentário, Resolução de problemaAbstract
The aim of the study was to analyze changes in physical activities and physical fitness after school Physical Education classes based on the methodology based on teaching by problem solving. Participated in the study, 2 groups (G1 n = 33 and G2 n = 35) composed of students aged 17 years old. The members of G1 and G2 participated in classes on physical fitness content, through a methodology based on problem solving, during 20 classes. The members of G1 had classes that were predominantly theoretical; for G2, the classes were predominantly practical. PROESP-BR's battery of physical fitness tests and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-short version) were used before and after the intervention. The number of very active participants increased 21.21% in G1 and did not change in G2 (31.43%). There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between moments (pre vs post) in G1, in flexibility and abdominal strength, and small effect for flexibility, speed and abdominal strength. In G2 there was a significant difference and small effect for flexibility, resistance and speed. It was concluded that the two didactic interventions promoted changes in the level of physical activity, but the effect was greater in the students of G1. The level of physical fitness was higher after interventions in G1 and G2. The study revealed the importance of promoting the dissemination of knowledge and values about physically active life.
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