Promoção da Saúde: adesão municipal às ações de combate ao sobrepeso e obesidade infanto-juvenil




Promoção da saúde, Obesidade pediátrica, Atividade física, Saúde da criança


The objective of this study was to analyze municipal adherence to health promotion actions related to physical activities and body practices, for children and adolescents to face overweight and obesity. Exploratory, cross-sectional, quantitative study. The research subjects corresponded to the 30 municipalities belonging to the 15th Regional Health Region of the State of Paraná. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire applied to the informing managers of each municipality and consulted the public reports of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, from April to June 2014. Data were analyzed by simple descriptive statistics and neighborhood matrix with co-occurrence of action among municipalities, being used as support for network construction and analysis.  In 2008, children and adolescents presented 31% (n = 37,588) of overweight and 24% (n = 19,635) of obesity, a percentage with gradual growth, reaching 40% (n = 46,878) and 43% (n = 36,997) in 2013, respectively. The number of health promotion actions implemented in the municipalities and related to physical activity varied from 35% to 80%, of which 56.7% developed between 35% and 50%; 26.7% from 51 to 65% and 16.6% developed actions between 66 and 80% of those recommended by the Ministry of Health. No municipality performs more than 80% of the recommended actions, which reinforces the need for interdisciplinary action to face overweight / obesity in children and adolescents, recognizing the structural, human and logistical obstacles to the search for solutions that lead to a healthier lifestyle, with a view to greater future quality of life.


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How to Cite

Victorino SVZ, Shibukawa BMC, Rissi GP, Higarashi IH. Promoção da Saúde: adesão municipal às ações de combate ao sobrepeso e obesidade infanto-juvenil. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];24:1-8. Available from:



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