Características das instalações e equipamentos para a prática de atividade física em escolas da zona rural de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul
Environment, Rural population, Motor activityAbstract
The aim of the study was to describe the facilities and equipment for physical activity practice in rural area schools of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. The design was cross-sectional, school-based, carried out in all the 26 schools located in rural areas of Pelotas Southern, Brazil. We used a survey tool to assess the policies for Physical Education and evaluate the facilities and equipment/materials for physical activity. The instrument was based on the Physical Activity Resource Assessment (PARA), adapted for the school environment. We observed that curricular Physical Education and specific teachers were present in all schools. Despite the high number of facilities, such as courts and fields (34.6% to 65.4%), playgrounds (76.9%) and materials such as balls (50.0% to 84.6%), hoops (88.5%), exercise cones (80.8%) and mats (76.9%), the condition of the facilities and apparatus/equipment were fair (7.7% to 46.2%) or poor (11.5% to 50.0%). Few institutions have provided suitable facilities and equipment for physical activity. The absence of gymnasiums, covered courts and materials in better conditions draws attention to the need for investments and interventions in these spaces.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Werner de Andrade Müller, Gabriele Radünz Krüger, Marlos Rodrigues Domingues

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