Barreiras associadas à prática de atividade física no tempo livre de idosos com insuficiência cardíaca
Motor Activity; Exercise; Aged; Cardiovascular disease; Heart FailureAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyse the association between barriers to physical activity practice and the level of leisure physical activity among older adults with heart failure. This is a cross-sectional study, in which data from 156 elderly (40.4% women) aged 60–92 years-old from an academic outpatient clinic of heart failure were analyzed. Data regarding sociodemographic information, comorbidities, risk behavior, barriers to physical activity and leisure time physical activity were evaluated. To verify the association between the variables, the Chi-square test for trend was used. Among the barriers reported by the elderly, the main ones were related to the clinical condition, such as: shortness of breath (27.4%), weakness in the legs (21.7%) and pain in the legs (19.1%). The level of leisure time physical activity had a significant difference according to the number of perceived barriers (p = 0.018), demonstrating that older people who reported more barriers were more physically inactive. Because of this, strategies should be developed for health education in order to emphasize the long-term benefits of physical activity in controlling the main barriers, so that the elderly have a greater chance of starting and maintaining a regular practice of physical activity.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Bruno Giglio de Oliveira, Marilin Hohl, Adriano Akira Hino
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