Atividade física e dor lombar em brasileiros: uma revisão sistemática




Atividade física, Dor lombar, Adolescentes, Adultos, Brasil, Revisão


The objective of this study was to identify and summarize the available studies conduced in Brazil, which evaluated possible associations between physical activity (PA) and low back pain (LBP), as well as to analyse their methods. Search was performed in five electronic databases (Lilacs, Pubmed, Scielo, Sportdiscus and Web of Science) and by manual searches in reference lists. Inclusion criteria were: observational studies available until October 10, 2017; which presented association analyses between PA and LBP; sample of Brazilian individuals, with no restrictions about age Of the 153 initially studies recovered, 11 were included (seven of them involving adults). Of the 14 analyses recovered, only one association was observed between excess of PA and LBP in adolescents. Most of the included articles did not show significant associations between PA and LBP. Important methodological advances are needed in future studies on this thematic, such as: longitudinal studies; the investigation of possible relationships between LBP and the distinct domains of PA; standardization in the cut-off points used to determine the prevalence of LBP and sufficient PA; the use of objective measures, in parallel to the questionnaire, for the PA assessment.


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How to Cite

Polli GR, Falqueto H, Czarnobai I, Christofaro DGD, Guerra PH. Atividade física e dor lombar em brasileiros: uma revisão sistemática. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];23:1-13. Available from:



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