Coletas de dados por meio de tablets – prático, barato e de fácil programação
Coleta de Dados, Tecnologia, EpidemiologiaAbstract
The study aim was to report an experience of using a mobile device to collect data from an epidemiological survey, and to describe the step-by-step procedures for its implementation. The research consisted of two phases: interviews using paper and pen in 2008 and performed by mobile devices in 2014-2015. The implementation process of the questionnaires on these mobile devices followed three stages: i) choice of mobile device; ii) App choice; iii) development and app programming. When compared to the collection using pen and paper, the use of tablet presented a monetary economy of 25.8%, and, for a future collection, this economy would be 99.2% and a saving of time greater than 56.9%. e results indicate that the tablet use for data collection in epidemiological research should be encouraged, once it presents spatial, economic and temporal bene ts when compared to paper and pen use.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Inaian Pignatti Teixeira, Priscila Missaki Nakamura, Bruno Paula Caraça Smirmaul, Leonardo de Campos, Eduardo Kokubun
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