Adesão e aderência a um programa de exercício físico em pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS




Atividade motora, Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida, Estilo de vida


The objective of the study was to evaluate, in people living with HIV/AIDS, perceived barriers to physical activity practice before and after participating in a physical exercise (PE) program, as well as aspects related to adherence to the program, specifically: reasons given for absence from sessions, number of with drawals during the program, continuity of practice six months after the end of the program, and reasons for eventual non-continuity. Nineteen subjects participated in a 14-week PE program. Information was collected on perceived barriers to physical activity, reasons for absences or withdrawal, and continuity six months after the end of the program. Descriptive statistics were used for analysis of the data, the Mc Nemar test to verify the differences in the frequencies of each barrier, and the Wilcoxon test to compare the mean number of barriers pre- and post-program. The average at tendance at the sessions was 58.5% and the main reasons reported for absences were “health problems” and “personal commitments”. About 40% of the people who started the program did not continue to the end of the program. The majority of dropouts occurred between the 11th and 20th sessions. There were no significant differences in the pre- and post- barriers reported, or in the mean number of barriers. Only 21% of the subjects reported racticing PE six months after the program. PE programs should consider these findings and seek to develop more sustainable actions with a greater long-term impact on the health of the subjects.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Junior J, Guariglia D, Loch M. Adesão e aderência a um programa de exercício físico em pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];22(6):568-75. Available from:



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