Updates on the Submission and Evaluation Process of Articles


The main changes are:


  • Language of Articles: All published articles will need to have an English version. It will still be possible to submit the article in Portuguese or Spanish. However, if accepted, an English version will be required.
  • Open Science: Authors will be required to provide information regarding Open Science, such as data sharing policy, interest in disclosing reviewers' reports along with the publication of the article, among others.
  • Sections: The sections of the articles have been modified. Systematic review and meta-analysis articles will be considered original articles. Narrative review articles will be published mainly by invitation from the editors of the Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health. The sections "from diagnosis to action," "research and graduate studies in physical activity and health," "innovative curricular experiences in physical activity and health," and "technical series in physical activity and health" have been merged into a single section called "Special Section."


Additionally, other minor changes have been made to optimize the manuscript submission and evaluation process. For detailed information, we suggest reading the "Instructions for Authors" tab.




Editorial Team

Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health