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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Do you confirm that the contribution is unpublished and is not being evaluated by another journal?
  • Is the text following the Vancouver style standards and reference requirements described in "Instructions to authors"?
  • Has the authorship of the work been removed from the main manuscript file?
  • Are you agree with the publication fees?
  • Does the submission include all the following documents: cover letter, submission form, open science compliance form, title page, and manuscript body?
  • Você está ciente que caso o manuscrito apresentado não esteja na lingua inglesa, uma versão do manuscrito em inglês deverá ser providenciada?


It is intended for the dissemination of texts written by invited professionals, with notable academic capacity on specific topics of interest to RBAFS.

Original Articles

Intended for the dissemination of observational studies, intervention studies, and systematic reviews with and without meta-analysis produced from the application of rigorous scientific methods, capable of replication and/or generalization, covering both quantitative and qualitative approaches to investigation. The body of the text is structured into an introduction, methodological procedures, results, and discussion. For qualitative studies, the utilization of another structuring of the body of the text that best suits the type of research is allowed. The Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health encourages the submission of replication studies, especially studies published in this journal.

Review Articles

Narrative reviews and theoretical essays (text that develops an argument on a well-defined theme) are presented upon invitation from the editors of the Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health. However, works of high level, carried out by authors or groups with a history of publications in the area will be welcome. 

From Diagnosis to Action. Experiences in the promotion of physical activity and

It is intended to broadcast studies that address innovative actions and experiences in promoting physical activity, teaching topics related to physical activity and research methods in physical activity and health.

Position Stand

Intended for original manuscripts that develops an official position of the Brazilian Society of Physical Activity & Health on topics of interest. Only authors invited by the Editorial Board of the BJPAH can submit manuscripts in this category.

Study Protocols on Physical Activity and Health

Intended for publishing new and innovative study protocols that contribute to advances in physical activity and health area. The publication of the study protocol will be justified by the interest in knowing relevant issues, hypotheses, and justifications, as well as a method with high scientific merit before the results are reported in other publications. 


Intended for the publication of proceedings of scientific events of physical activity and health area, promoted or supported by the Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health, which includes summaries of oral presentations and posters, approved by the Scientific Committees of the organizing institutions and following the Journal's standards.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.