Effect of physical training periodization on physical activity level in adults with obesity
Obesity, Sedentary lifestyle, Physical exercise, TreatmentResumo
The study aimed to compare the effect of physical training with and without periodization on daily physical activity levels and on time spent in sedentary behavior in adults with obesity. In a randomized controlled trial, 69 obese adults of both sexes (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m²) were randomized to three groups: periodized group (PG), non-periodized group (NPG) and control group (CG). The periodized and non-periodized groups underwent 16 weeks of supervised and combined physical training (aerobic and resistance) in 60-minute sessions three times a week. Physical activity and sedentary behavior levels were measured by accelerometry (ActiGraph - GT3x). The time spent in sedentary behavior after the intervention increased 6.5% in the PG and 1.2% in the CG and decreased 0.5% in the NPG. Changes in the levels of light physical activity were -4.6% in the PG, +0.5% in the NPG and -2.3% in the CG, while moderate to vigorous physical activity levels showed a reduction of 3.0% in the PG and increases of 0.5% in the NPG and 12.2% in the CG. It is worth mentioning, however, that no isolated time and group effects or time x group interaction were identified for any of the analyzed variables (p > 0.05). A combined and supervised physical training program, with or without load progression, was not able to promote changes in the sedentary behavior and physical activity levels of obese adults, which shows that specific actions targeted at these behaviors are necessary.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Guilherme Tadeu de Barcelos, Giovani Firpo Del Duca, Paulo Ricardo de Oliveira Medeiros, Inácio Crochemore-Silva, Aline Mendes Gerage

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