The Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health has an open call for new ad hoc reviewers!


The Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health has an open call for new ad hoc reviewers!

If you are a researcher, professor, or professional with a PhD, this is your chance to contribute to the advancement of science and strengthen your academic career.

Advantages of being a reviewer:

- Direct contribution to scientific quality
- Early access to new trends and research
- Recognition in your CV and academic progression processes
- Development of critical and analytical skills

Interested individuals should send an email with their full name, academic background, degree, email for registration, preferred review area, affiliation, Lattes CV link, and ORCID to

Areas of interest for article review:

- School physical education
- Physical activity and the environment
- Physical activity for clinical populations
- Physical activity, mental health, and cognition
- Physical activity for the elderly
- Physical activity for people with disabilities
- Public policies for promoting physical activity
- Physical activity in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)

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