Level of physical activity and perceived barriers to its practice in adults with visual impairment





Physical activity, Vision disorders, Behavior


The objective of the study was to assess level of physical activity, perception of barriers to practice, and stages of behavior change in visually impaired individuals of an inland city in the State of Paraná. The participants were 40 individuals with visual impairment (37.5% blind and 62.5% with low vision) of both sexes (57.5% men) aged 21-69 years (mean age 39.52 years; ± 17.58 for men and 39.88 years; ± 14.96 for women). Participants were assessed in only one moment, through three questionnaires (perception of barriers to physical activity, International Questionnaire of Physical Activity (IPAQ) - short version, and stages of behavior change). According to the IPAQ results, a prevalence of 70% of physical inactivity was found. The main barriers mentioned by the interviewees were "lack of support from family and/or friends", "physical limitations" and "bad mood”. In relation to the questionnaire of stages of behavior change, 50% of the subjects were in the preparation stage. The study concludes that the level of physical activity in the visually impaired is low and the main causes of this can be motivational, lack of physical fitness and psychological.


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Como Citar

Matoso GP, Portela BS. Level of physical activity and perceived barriers to its practice in adults with visual impairment. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 19º de março de 2020 [citado 13º de março de 2025];24:1-7. Disponível em: https://rbafs.org.br/RBAFS/article/view/13695



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