Too much sitting and too little exercise: sedentary behavior and health
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1. Owen N, Healy GN, Matthews CE, Dunstan DW. Too much sitting: e population health science of sedentary behavior. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2010;38(3):105-13.
2. Owen N. Chapter 1: Emergence of research on sedentary behaviour and health. In Zhu W, Owen N, (Eds). Sedentary behavior and health concepts, assessments, and interventions. pp. 3-12, 355-358. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 2017 ( Sedentary-Behavior-and-Health)
3. Hadgraft N, Owen N. Sedentary behavior and health: broadening the knowledge base and strengthening the science. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2017;88(2):123-29.
4. Mabry R, Koohsari MJ, Bull F, Owen N. A systematic review of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the oil-producing countries of the Arabian Peninsula. BMC Public Health. 2016;16:1003.
5. Diaz KM, Howard VJ, Hutto B, Colabianchi N, Vena JE, Sa ord MM, et al. Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in U.S. Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A National Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2017;167(7):465-75.
6. Owen N, Sugiyama T, Eakin EE, Gardiner PA, Tremblay MS, Sallis JF. Adults’ sedentary behavior: Determinants and interventions. Am J Prev Med. 2011;41(2):189-96.
7. Sallis JF, Owen N. Physical Activity and Behavioral Medicine. ousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 1999. Japanese-Language Edition published in 2000 by Kitaohji Shobo, Tokyo.
8. Sallis JF, Owen N. Ecological models of health behavior. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K, (Eds). Health Behavior Theory Research and Practice 5th Edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2015. p. 43-64.
9. Kikuchi H, Inoue S, Sugiyama T, Owen N, Oka K, Nakaya T, et al. Distinct associations of di erent sedentary behaviors with health-related attributes among older adults. Prev Med. 2014;67:335-9.
10. Ekelund U, Steene-Johannessen J, Brown WJ, Wang Fagerland M, Owen N, Powell KE, et al. Does physical activity attenuate, or even eliminate the detrimental association of sitting time with mortality? A harmonised meta-analysis of data from more than one million men and women. Lancet. 2016;388(10051):1302-10.
11. Sparling PB, Howard BJ, Dunstan DW, Owen N. Recommendations for physical activity in older adults. BMJ. 2015;350:h100.
12. Healy GN, Winkler EAH, Owen N, Anuradha S, Dunstan DW. Replacing sitting time with standing or stepping: associations with cardio-metabolic risk biomarkers. Eur Heart J. 2015;36(39):2643-49.
13. Dempsey PC, Larsen RN, Sethi P, Sacre JW, Straznicky NE, Cohen ND, et al. Bene ts for Type 2 diabetes of interrupting prolonged sitting with brief bouts of light walking or simple resistance exercises. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(6):964-72.
14. Grace M, Dempsey P, Sethi P, Mundra P, Mellett N, Weir J, et al. Breaking up prolonged sitting alters the postprandial plasma lipidomic profile of adults with Type 2 Diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(6):1991-9.
15. Koohsari MJ, Sugiyama T, Sahlqvist S, Mavoa S, Hadgraft N, Owen N. Neighborhood environmental attributes and adults’ sedentary behaviors: Review and research agenda. Prev Med. 2015;77:141-49.
16. Healy GN, Eakin EG, Owen N, LaMontagne AD, Moodie M, Winkler EAH, et al. A cluster RCT to reduce office workers’ sitting time: impact on activity outcomes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016;48(9):1787–97.
17. Winkler E, Chastin S, Eakin EG, Owen N, LaMontagne AD, Moodie M, Dempsey PD, Kingwell B, Dunstan DW, Healy GN. Cardio-metabolic impact of changing sitting, standing, and stepping in the workplace. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2018;50(3):516-24.
18. Clark B, Lynch BM, Winkler E, Gardiner PA, Healy G, Dunstan DW, et al. Validity of a multi-context sitting questionnaire across demographically diverse population groups: AusDiab3. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2015;12(148).
2. Owen N. Chapter 1: Emergence of research on sedentary behaviour and health. In Zhu W, Owen N, (Eds). Sedentary behavior and health concepts, assessments, and interventions. pp. 3-12, 355-358. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 2017 ( Sedentary-Behavior-and-Health)
3. Hadgraft N, Owen N. Sedentary behavior and health: broadening the knowledge base and strengthening the science. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2017;88(2):123-29.
4. Mabry R, Koohsari MJ, Bull F, Owen N. A systematic review of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the oil-producing countries of the Arabian Peninsula. BMC Public Health. 2016;16:1003.
5. Diaz KM, Howard VJ, Hutto B, Colabianchi N, Vena JE, Sa ord MM, et al. Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in U.S. Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A National Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2017;167(7):465-75.
6. Owen N, Sugiyama T, Eakin EE, Gardiner PA, Tremblay MS, Sallis JF. Adults’ sedentary behavior: Determinants and interventions. Am J Prev Med. 2011;41(2):189-96.
7. Sallis JF, Owen N. Physical Activity and Behavioral Medicine. ousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 1999. Japanese-Language Edition published in 2000 by Kitaohji Shobo, Tokyo.
8. Sallis JF, Owen N. Ecological models of health behavior. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K, (Eds). Health Behavior Theory Research and Practice 5th Edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2015. p. 43-64.
9. Kikuchi H, Inoue S, Sugiyama T, Owen N, Oka K, Nakaya T, et al. Distinct associations of di erent sedentary behaviors with health-related attributes among older adults. Prev Med. 2014;67:335-9.
10. Ekelund U, Steene-Johannessen J, Brown WJ, Wang Fagerland M, Owen N, Powell KE, et al. Does physical activity attenuate, or even eliminate the detrimental association of sitting time with mortality? A harmonised meta-analysis of data from more than one million men and women. Lancet. 2016;388(10051):1302-10.
11. Sparling PB, Howard BJ, Dunstan DW, Owen N. Recommendations for physical activity in older adults. BMJ. 2015;350:h100.
12. Healy GN, Winkler EAH, Owen N, Anuradha S, Dunstan DW. Replacing sitting time with standing or stepping: associations with cardio-metabolic risk biomarkers. Eur Heart J. 2015;36(39):2643-49.
13. Dempsey PC, Larsen RN, Sethi P, Sacre JW, Straznicky NE, Cohen ND, et al. Bene ts for Type 2 diabetes of interrupting prolonged sitting with brief bouts of light walking or simple resistance exercises. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(6):964-72.
14. Grace M, Dempsey P, Sethi P, Mundra P, Mellett N, Weir J, et al. Breaking up prolonged sitting alters the postprandial plasma lipidomic profile of adults with Type 2 Diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(6):1991-9.
15. Koohsari MJ, Sugiyama T, Sahlqvist S, Mavoa S, Hadgraft N, Owen N. Neighborhood environmental attributes and adults’ sedentary behaviors: Review and research agenda. Prev Med. 2015;77:141-49.
16. Healy GN, Eakin EG, Owen N, LaMontagne AD, Moodie M, Winkler EAH, et al. A cluster RCT to reduce office workers’ sitting time: impact on activity outcomes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016;48(9):1787–97.
17. Winkler E, Chastin S, Eakin EG, Owen N, LaMontagne AD, Moodie M, Dempsey PD, Kingwell B, Dunstan DW, Healy GN. Cardio-metabolic impact of changing sitting, standing, and stepping in the workplace. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2018;50(3):516-24.
18. Clark B, Lynch BM, Winkler E, Gardiner PA, Healy G, Dunstan DW, et al. Validity of a multi-context sitting questionnaire across demographically diverse population groups: AusDiab3. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2015;12(148).
Como Citar
Owen N. Too much sitting and too little exercise: sedentary behavior and health. Rev. Bras. Ativ. Fís. Saúde [Internet]. 14º de agosto de 2018 [citado 10º de março de 2025];23:1-4. Disponível em:
Copyright (c) 2018 Neville Owen

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